passionatebach wrote:
Have you ever gotten impatient after with the wait for someone to respond to correspondence that you have sent them?
I wrote a friend I haven't talked to a quite a few years a message a few days ago on Facebook. I have been obsessively checking Facebook to see if he has responded yet, including at work (where Facebook is a no no). I do know that people do get busy and/or don't check their Facebook accounts that often.
If people on here have problems with this, how do you counter it? I don't necesarly want to resend the message, I feel that might come off as too needy and pushy. How do I also deal with the compulsive Facebook usage? I was just writing him for the purpose of idle chit chat and his perspective on a situation.
You just gotta wait my friend.
Usually when corresponding back and forth, you ALWAYS wait for the other person to respond first before you send them anything again, otherwise yes, it does look pushy and needy. The one exception to this rule is if you're simply amending what you wrote or if you're adding details, but careful with doing that unless necessary, because people can see right through that trick and will just feel pestered.
Contact some other people to occupy yourself in the meantime. If this guy is as bad with keeping in touch with people as I am (and I'm an NT), good luck, because it could be a while.