"Do you wanna hang?"
-i always picture in my head hanging from a tree branch or metal monkey bars, and that doesn't sound like fun for very long. My immediate thought is, "no. that sounds mostly terrible," and I have to really shake that out of my head so I don't respond negatively.
also, many people use the term "Word." and I have no idea what that means in itself. It seems to be some kind of multipurpose slang term that can be used for expressing agreement, understanding, or a state of being mildly impressed, or for bidding farewell to someone. I don't see the reason for using a single term in so many different ways.
but i recently used a phrase sort of like this for the first time and immediately regretted it, because it was the first time I asked myself what it actually meant and where it came from. It was "-- blows my mind." Now I wonder if this has any profane origins, and the meaning that I get from that phrase I think doesn't actually communicate what I wanted to communicate. I don't think I'll ever use it again.