I have a new friend who promised to call me yesterday night. I waited and waited, but he didn't call. I find it quite upsetting when things don't happen after people promise.
Just after 11pm, another friend called me. She has a busy life, and it's pretty much the only time she can call, so we chatted for an hour or so.
This morning, I find out that friend nuimber 1, who had promised to call, actually called at 11:30 pm, and then sent me a text at nearly 1am to say that he'd tried to call.
I really didn't expect him to call at that time, and was wondering why me, who else suddenly gets a rush of calls at between 11pm and 1am, and how come my friends are insomniacs and nutters.
... then I realised - I am an insomniac and a nutter. Doh.