shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
"An article claimed that a man married two women at the same time for several years.
Neither woman ever suspected anything until the dry cleaning got mixed up.
One of the women was a clinical psychologist
So, if someone with more skill than me, for a long time, did not know better then what makes me think I know better?
Answer:. I do not know better"
I agree, it can happen that someone can be deceived for years about huge stuff. Even someone smart, knowledgeable, savvy like the woman in the above case.
When someone is inclined to be a liar, double-life liver, deceiver, etc, they are often very, very good at it and can pull off enormous deceits to even their nearest and dearest.
I unfortunately fell victim to a person like that and it ruined my life. I had known this person since
1973! !! !!
So thought I knew who and what I was dealing with, warts and all. Turned out there were even bigger, deeper warts than I could ever have suspected.
You can be horribly scammed even when you think you know exactly who you are dealing with. I don't think I can ever really trust anyone again.