I think it is a well-intended speech, but I don't think he realises there are more then one type of humans on the planet. Some people got no empathic ability, some got alot of it and most are in the middle. Not to speak of ability and ways to express it, next to the ability to channel the workload of all those emotions (to go metaphoric: A gas guzzler or a economy class car?).
Empathy might work for the masses, but the ones who are on the lower end of that spectrum are mostly people who are succesful in the positions of power - lacking empathy means you can easily be more ruthless then people who aren't and thus giving you the edge on the competition.
I am not just talking about autism when talking about having little empathy, there are other mental deviants like psychopathy who are so.
"It all start with Hoborg, a being who had to create, because... he had to. He make the world full of beauty and wonder. This world, the Neverhood, a world where he could live forever and ever more!"