I discovered fanfiction last year, and I met some wonderful people through it.
They've helped me a lot, just getting used to replying to comments, and finding nice things to say to people, both through email and comments on their stories. And just remembering it's important to respond to people.
Anyway, that helped me a lot. I even met two people I consider real, true friends now.
It's awesome. I mean I never met them in person but we email.
One of these people, I've emailed her a ton and she's emailed me a ton. But sometimes I'm not sure, maybe I'm over talking to her. It's just so unusual for me to write to someone who actually understands me in many ways, and is interested in the same thing as me, that I've maybe talked to her too much and wearied her with my company.
Well I'm not sure of this, but it's something that's a concern to me. So, right now she's studying hard for school stuff, and will be busy until January. And I wished her luck and I said I'd try not to bug her until then.
Is that a good choice? Give her a little space? Or would it be better to keep in touch once in awhile with a 'hang in there, hope it's going well' message?
I'm still wading in uncharted waters in many ways, although somehow she'll still write to me when she has time. I mean, we've even had fights and everything, and she hasn't cut me out of her life.