Miyah wrote:
I was saying that because he is learning to adapt to environments with lots of high stress even thought he does not like that environment. He then threw a fit as if I said something really bad to him.
Couldn't you put it a different way like, "You're nicely adapting to very stressful situations! Good for you!" not "Your maturing". It's as if you said he's immature and now finally at 33, he's maturing. No wonder why he threw a fit. How would you feel if you gave him a splendid gift and he replied, "How mature of you." That's what you would say to a 7 year old who just gave you a Rolex. Wouldn't you say, "What the heck is that supposed to mean?" Deep down inside you just might feel he
is immature. There's no shame in feeling your real feelings. The real shame is when a person feels one way and then convinces themself that they should feel another way. Miyah, his parents have a right to compliment him on his behavior. For you to do it is... rather insulting... unless his behavior had something to do with the relationship you have