I was invited to a New Years Eve Party, and I missed the ball drop because I had to deal with the fact that my friend who invited me had to go, which left me stuck with Rich (the guy we hate) who just randomly showed up, and was let in for some reason, and if dealing with Psychopath McGee wasn't fun enough, after he left, I had to go pick up the hosts roommate from Baltimore City because HE WAS WALKING AROUND AT NIGHT and got jumped. Yeah, did I mention he is an idiot? After managing to convince the host to not pack my car full of knives and weapons (which was difficult) and managing to get only two people to come with me (since I have a small car, and I was the only one with a car) we go over there, and he isn't hurt. He never was hurt. Then they wonder why I'm so pissed off, and this was before I had three Samurai swords put in my car on the drive back from one of the most dangerous parts of one of the most dangerous cities in the U.S. The best part is that I had two other parties I was invited to (not including my parents party) and I went to this one because I got the invitation first. So I hate parties. I had to leave because the host was fighting with his girlfriend. RRRRRRR Damn you Shawn, damn you and your crappy friends. (Maybe it's because Shawn has Aspergers, I dunno)