juliekitty wrote:
Natural thyroid replacement and vitamins.
I wonder if there's an Asperger's/thyroid link? I've seen two others say they have it already. Both hypo and hyperthyroidism can cause depression, too.
Why don't u all get your thyroids tested? Just to satisfy my curiosity.
I guess I'm one of the people's post you saw. I stopped my levothyroxine about
a year ago due to high blood pressure. I've not been to a doctor in many years.
I just order the thyroid pills off the net! I wish there was a simple home test.
Like theoretically it could be made like a blood sugar test strip. I'm sure you know
the temperture test:(after a normal nights sleep and normal wake time)
1) as soon as you wake up take your temperture in bed. Normal is 97.8 and 98.2
2) if its below 97.6 (and mines been 96.0) that may indicated hypothyroidism
3) if its above 98.2 that may indicate hyperthyroidism
A low resting pulse rate may indicate hypo and a high resting pulse rate may
indicate hyper
Note I have had many blood test in the past too.