I want to meet new people, okay so part of me wants to hide from new people too, but largely I know I need to and want to find others 'like me' - I HAVE joined a local social group for aspies/autistic people, but not sure how that will go...*fingers crossed*
I've never met anyone else locally, I've also noticed on various autism forums that there are no specific posts or boards dedicated to location-specific chat so you can talk to and find others near you, which is sad - why don't we have that?
I've been dabbling with the idea of finding penpals and backed out every time so not sure how I'd respond to someone I find online or in real life, I seem to be getting worse at making friends, I just figure fellow aspies or autistic people might be a bit easier to get along with...in theory, reality maybe a little different.
Just wondering.
Oh, and just in case if anyone (guys) is from Newcastle UK give me a shout *smile*