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26 Jun 2006, 4:44 pm

Back when I went to school,most of my social life consisted of basically going to school and ballgames.But the people who went to my school were a bunch of f***ing idiots who needed to get over themselves-I'm sorry if that sounds mean,but it is VERY true-and I didn't much like going places back then.Oh,wait church and wla-mart is included.

Once,I dropped out to homeschool in the middle of 8th grade,I started to become friendlier,nicer,and not as angry or depressed.I made lots of new friends and now I am always getting requests and invitations to go out.I must say that I am VERY well-known throughout Laurel and Meridian.

ANyone else?

-SpaceCase :D

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26 Jun 2006, 5:30 pm

...Am I well known throughout Laurel and Meridian? No, I'm pretty sure I'm not.


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05 Jul 2006, 3:58 pm

Um,no,I didn't mean that.I meant like what is your social life like.

-SpaceCase :)

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05 Jul 2006, 4:42 pm

I can't really say, considering that I don't have one in the first place. That should be changing soon, however...



...Probably not.


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05 Jul 2006, 6:05 pm

Don't have a social life, either. Not sure I want one--the idea of spending time with people and trying to get to know them does not currently appeal to me.

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05 Jul 2006, 6:22 pm

Don't have much of one I relate to dogs and other animals better than people not sure if I want much more of one people are strange and unpredictible I'll stick with what I got mostly a few people who share my interests and selected family safer that way

"Strange is your language and I have no decoder Why don't make your intentions clear..." Peter Gabriel


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06 Jul 2006, 7:40 am

I had little to none up until I was nearly 25 (and I'm 25 now)

So basically I'm very new to this whole social life thing. I've had under a year of training, but here is what I have managed so far:

After "breaking the silence", most of my new friends were made through Intervarsity, I made a few aquaintances through my graduate program (but for some reason I get along much better with the undergraduates... which means that no socialization occurs inside the classroom, meaning that I need to look elsewhere for it), and I made some friends after walking into a random party. I also made a large number of temporary friends at a week-long summer camp sponsored by Intervarsity; none of these friends lasted past camp, but it was a very good experience and I got to know the other people in my local Intervarsity chapter a lot better.

Over the summer, I returned to my folk's place (since my job up where I was going to college isn't available, since it was through the department and there aren't enough classes available to take)

Here, I've hung out with my brother's friends several times (even though they very much are "the wrong crowd") but I'm not feeling very accepted there... mostly because I'm really not like them and there is some stigma associated with being his brother.

Outside of that, I have started getting involved with a local church over the past few weeks. Just about everyone there is very friendly, and I chat with whoever I can (some of the staff, most of the young adults, and a few random others) and provide friendly greetings to most of the rest. There are really only two people I know very well there though.

Through that group, I have recieved invitations to go on a few of the group events.

Though the largest part of my "social life" doesn't involve being around other people. Instead, it's reading WP and many other websites, thinking about how to be sociable for hours on end, attempting to build my own models regarding the processes I observe, and figuring out how to behave better in such situations given the output of my research.

...I guess I've made "getting a social life" one my aspie-level interests. I know it sure takes a lot more time than any of my traditional ones (games, anime, computer and math stuff)


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06 Jul 2006, 8:01 am

Just had a huge row about this with my mother. I told her that if I had just gotten an ADD or Asperger's diagnosis as a kid I would not be a "village moron" today.


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06 Jul 2006, 9:38 am

My enjoyable rl social life consists of St. John's cadets,Wed night.