rocknrollslc wrote:
so..all these people that i used to know from high school are on my friends list on facebook. while i was great friends with at least half a dozen of them in high school, i have little contact today.
so i live in a rural place...but i commuted and recently came out of my shell and went to two parties! started up multiple conversations, both in person and on facebook, introduced people to each other, and....damn... lol..i have tried my f***ing damndest to reconnect, but it ain't happenin. i even tried to reconnect two of my friends (they are kinda talking on facebook) who hadn't contacted each other for a couple years, one of whom said he wanted to hang out with me. now he's being flakey ("busy") and it's really pissing me off...similar story to last time... every time i log in i get mad. i just sit alone all day long.
delete fb, or keep? i feel like id be killing two birds with one stone if i deleted - 1. id stop thinking about this bs, 2. i know i could effect some degree of revenge, some tend to realize what they actually "had" once it's gone... im feelin like theres a downside, but im not quite sure what it is... delete or keep? any thoughts for me? plz&thanx.
Keep it. At first when i got it i did not like speaking to old friends but as time went on i got a bit more used to it, found common ground and met new people across the world and locally with similar interests.
Even if facebook is not good now just use it now and again to see what happens then decide over time.
<Insert meaningful signature here>