I still feel the same way as OP does, and have had a very social life. Social but full of inner fright and a social clumsiness that is hardly ever noticed because my brain is going at top speed to counter all my blunders succesfully (most of the time). But its truly exhausting!
The thing is, like deadeyexx pointed, it never comes naturaly and small talk is quite the chore! But to add to his point a bit, I'm 43 and after a couple decades of getting my feet wet not knowing I was Aspie, it has become more natural. Like a well trained muscle. As most Aspies, I'm quite clumsy in the physical dept, but I like phisical activity so I go out and do it, knowing that after months of sucking at it (in this case tennis) all of a sudden something makes 'click' in my brain about the dynamics and all of a sudden I play quite decently (if I say so myself).
All this is to say, it does get easier to socialize with NTs, and all the cues we have to follow consciously become easier to grasp the more we put them into practice. That's not to say however that you'll one day feel totaly at ease in a crowded party full of strangers; (Just to think of it makes me shiver, hehehe). But most of the time you'll hardly be noticed for being odd as it happens to the younger Aspies, and that helps a lot when dealing and trying to be friendly in social circumstances, and knowing you dont look that odd takes the edge out of the fear
Now, back to my puzzles