cursedone12 wrote:
I can interact with people w/o freaking them out/pissing them off now. Ive developed an inherent sense of what to say and what not to say. I can honestly say that I have outgrown aspergers. No this is not some kind of sarcastic joke. I was talking with two normal dudes about my supposed condition, and told them that I had "moments of awkwardness", they said "everyone has moments of awkwardness". This made me realize that I was not that bad off after all. I mean hell yeah i USED to be socially inept, but i was blessed with the ability to learn to read people and their language/voice tones and other BS like that. No offense but goddamn, some of you people don't know whether to smile back at someone or no if they smile at you. Sheesh, Im not that bad off. Im going to design a course based on everything I've learned, and post it on the web for free. I believe that everyone can learn social skills and how to get people to stop either ignoring you/using you as a punching bag/trying to make you humliate your self. Follow my ways and YOU WILL GET RESPECT.
Well good luck to you. However I think it's important for you to realize that not everyone with AS has the same problems you apparently had.