That whole thing where you can be in a new group of people like a class or work environment, after a short space of time NT's seem to be getting on with each other, by the end of the day or the week they'll be exchanging phone numbers and adding each other on facebook - I'd LOVE to know how they do this, how they become friends like that, why that differs from me...why I'm stuck very much on my own, without anyone talking to me, isolated from others.
Once people talk to me they usually like me (honestly, they do), but it's just that whole initial part of going from strangers to acquittance or friend, that point where they can have conversations rather than just say things to each other...I find that if you can't get this part that NT's seem to make up impressions of you; cold, ignorant, rude, anti-social, b***h, every name under the sun without knowing the first thing about you. I'd like someone to explain why that's okay in their world too.
Good-looking girls break hearts, and goodhearted girls mend them.