Somehow and improbably, I am fairly popular. However, at my school individuality is encouraged, so there are a lot of strange people, there is no uniform, everyone is unique, et cetera. Also, my Asperger's is mild.
I make jokes in front of the class and I can make people laugh easily. When people say things, can you usually make something funny out of it? Maybe at your school the teachers are a bit stern about commenting in class, I do not know. At my school the teachers treat students more like people than machines. Being fairly smart worked too. I am mostly friends with the smart people, who are also popular. I can make weird noises which people find hilarious at first and then annoying later - just do not go to the second stage.
Do you have any talents that could make people like you? A difficult question for an aspie maybe, but think, how do you like people to act towards you? What do other people act like to each other? Maybe watch the popular people, try and talk to them a little, that might help.