Jamesy wrote:
My brother said to me in regards to my communication skills
When you talk it just does not sound natural
i cannot really talk to anyone
i am very awkward when talking
How can i fix this problem
Do you have any idea why you feel so awkward when talking? For example, are you nervous about talking to certain people, or do you have a hard time coming up with words? (I describe myself as a slow thinker; I don't really mind talking to people, but they often seem impatient and won't let me get the words out at my own pace, which bugs me and distracts me even more) Or maybe you don't use tone and inflection the way people are used to? Speaking too loudly could sound aggressive or overly excited, speaking too softly might make you sound uncertain.
Is it any better for you if you're in a situation where you have a good idea of what the conversation will be (like going to the post office and having to ask for stamps, versus a freeform conversation with a neighbour)?
A friend of mine loves to say "if you can measure it you can manage it". I think to a certain extent this is true, and that if you can identify details about the nature of your problem(s), you'll be better able to start addressing them.