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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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08 Aug 2006, 11:23 pm


I came in late today because the love of my life (Hoover Horatio Mills) ate some pantihose and had to have emergency surgery.

I explained this to the group I was meeting - I had called to say that I'd be late due to a medical emergency and two of the foreign sales reps in for training got all upset that my dog got to have specialist medical care.

Their point was something about lebanese hospitals not having enough supplies to treat the injured civilians.

I patiently tried to point out that:

1) my dog has insurance so I actually did not have to pay anything out of pocket that could have gone to help lebanon

2) vets don't treat people so even if the injured civilians had made it to the clinic - he could not have helped them

None of this seemed to sink in ---

Now tomorrow I have to go in and deal with these people for 2 more days --- ARGH

Not only don't they shower - or at least smell that way -- they have no respect for the life of my family members.

Sorry for the rant -


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09 Aug 2006, 12:39 am

We'll first off the money could have gone to help africa, israel, st judes hospital.....whats their point???? You have a pet, you take care of it.When I got a call at work that my dogs condition was terminal, my boss let me's a thing called compassion. When you have a pet that needs treatment, you use your money to treat your pet...If your co-workers are bad, what you do with your money is none of their business.And I think you are a very responsible pet owner. After xrays and putting my dog to sleep, I was out over $200.00. but what was I suppose to do, let her suffer????Yeah I could have donated that money to a charity....but I didn't want to. Julieme, you work hard for your money.Spend it the way you want....i'd be curious as to what your co-workers spend on clothes,jewlery, entertainment...and to think...with what they spend, that money could have gone to lebanese hospitals Get what I'm saying?????

Blue Jay
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09 Aug 2006, 1:58 am

You just have to understand three things:

First, they are people you work with and not your friends. They dont have to be nice about your dog because they are not obligated to. It is also none of their business to say anything about your beloved dog. If they say anything else about it, tell them that you dont want to talk about it with them. Dont give them any way to start a conversation about it.

Second, other cultures and even some people in the same culture dont value pets the same way. They dont think there is any reason to save a sick animal. You just have to accept that people are not all the same. They also sometimes have different values about body cleanliness and smell, but I am sure you were much more polite than them about it than they were about your dog.

The third thing you should always remember is that people are jerks. They are trying to poke fun and be cruel about a subject that clearly matters to you. You should take it as a personal insult. Are they doing this because they know you will let them get away with it? Are they doing it because they dont like your culture? Dont let them get away with it anymore. Make sure you state that in your culture, pets are important members of your family and it is nothing to joke about. Besides, surplus of supplies where you live do no good anywhere else.


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09 Aug 2006, 6:13 am

Well, if they have to be rude/mean/unkind about your dog, what does it say about them?

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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10 Aug 2006, 7:43 am

You are going to love this update....

The sales guys boss heard about the rude comments from my boss and told the the sales reps he admired their dedication to the world's needy so much that he'd help them move from the luxery hotel they are currently in to a youth hostel and donate the difference from their expense account. :D


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10 Aug 2006, 11:55 am



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10 Aug 2006, 12:46 pm

Ahhhhhhhhhh sweet. Ya gotta repost what happened and the response. Oh please,please.please. How many people get a response so sweet as this.


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10 Aug 2006, 7:17 pm

Ah, sweet vindication. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall for that. :lol:

cogito, ergo sum.
non cogitas, ergo non es.

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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14 Aug 2006, 8:40 pm

The two guys were not very happy for the rest of the class. T

When the youth hostel would not take them, they were offered a chance to help with our monthly community outreach- painting and doing yard work for the elderly.. but no takers :(

So they spent a lovely night at Motel 6 and the difference between executive level at the hilton and motel 6 went to charity.


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15 Aug 2006, 6:24 am

Talk about putting your money where your mouth is. :D