We'll first off the money could have gone to help africa, israel, st judes hospital.....whats their point???? You have a pet, you take care of it.When I got a call at work that my dogs condition was terminal, my boss let me leave......it's a thing called compassion. When you have a pet that needs treatment, you use your money to treat your pet...If your co-workers are upset...to bad, what you do with your money is none of their business.And I think you are a very responsible pet owner. After xrays and putting my dog to sleep, I was out over $200.00. but what was I suppose to do, let her suffer????Yeah I could have donated that money to a charity....but I didn't want to. Julieme, you work hard for your money.Spend it the way you want....i'd be curious as to what your co-workers spend on clothes,jewlery, entertainment...and to think...with what they spend, that money could have gone to lebanese hospitals Get what I'm saying?????