purchase wrote:
Same here!
Another pretty weird consequence of it is that whenever I have been in a formal situation when someone was telling me something important, I usually failed to hear any of what they were saying cause I was so busy trying to "look attentive." Have my eyes on them and look interested and say "uh-huh" at the appropriate times and all that. It is like watching a silent movie, or watching someone speaking in another language, that's how little information I get out of those conversations.
Yeah, I can totally relate to this. About 10 years ago, I had a professional mentor pull me aside, and tell me that when I left business meetings I should look people in the eyes- because I was unintentionally giving them the impression I was blowing them off. I'd never really given it much thought before then, but I do it now. It's a balancing act of: looking at them, trying to think of what to say next and trying to ignore all the mental static that the first poster referred to. I do my best, but when its over, I'm often exhausted and wonked for awhile,