I find that I'm becoming more of a Homebody. I'm spending a lot more time at Home with my parents, especially my mom. I just can't handle spending the day at my Clubhouse without buying an Energy Drink on my way there, unless there's something special going on, like an All Day Outing to Victoria or maybe Whistler or Harrison Hot Springs. I've done a thorough introspection on myself, by asking myself many questions. I've found out that my reason for drinking Energy Drinks was to make it through 6 hours at the Clubhouse, after a bad night of only 5 hours of broken sleep, after taking Chico on a 45 minute walk and having only Toast and Fat Free Margarine for Breakfast, so that I could save enough Points for a good-sized Lunch, and so that I could walk Bonnie for 30 minutes, as soon as I got home, every Tuesday. I've also had a conflict with the Head Woman at that place, and it's very unprofessional for somebody of that status to do something of that sort. All I feel like doing now, is taking Chico for his 45 minute walk, take care of my Neighbour's yard and flowers, walk down to Safeway to buy the cheapest Lotto Ticket of the Day with the Extra, take Bonnie for a 30 minute stroll, and than attend to my Hobbies of Art, Reading, Music, Routemasters of course, and the Internet. I'd also like to do a couple of chores at Home and not at the Clubhouse. I'm really becoming a Homebody. Perhaps I should find a Cash Job, so I can help my parents out with the Bills, as well.