Like most people here, I find it very difficult to understand humans. I wish there was a book titled Understanding humans for dummies that covered the basics step by step. I haven't found such a book, but I have found a few books and websites that have helped me to understand people better. I would like to share them here. Many of these are aimed at people looking for, or already in, romantic relationships, to help them understand actual or potential partners; however, you don't have to be interested in romance to benefit from these resources: they'll still explain to you some aspects of people.
So, the resources are:
- Watching the English by Kate Fox: written by a social anthropologist, and explains the behaviour of English people in logical terms.
- For Men Only: a Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women by Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn: based on a survey of women, it explains in simple terms what happens inside women's minds.
- For Women Only: What You Need to Know about the Inner Lives of Men by Shaunti Feldhahn: similar to the previous one, but the other way round.
- You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation by Deborah Tannen: This one is more academic. It explains the hidden meanings behind mens' and womens' words.
- : this site explains womens', and (despite the title) men's, behaviours, especially during courtship and romance, and makes sense of these behaviours in the light of genetics and evolution.
If someone has found other resources on this subject, I would like to hear about them too.