There's a lady at church. She's one of the few women near my age and she's a mom with a lot of kids. She really doesn't like me. I have no idea why. She's civil to me. When we're left in a room alone, it's the kind of awkward that comes when you're stuck in a room with someone you don't want to talk to. I don't think she's said anything about me to people because the awkwardness is just around her with me. She's friendly to everyone else, including my husband. So I don't get it. I must've said something or maybe I missed something she said and she thought I was snobby and didn't like her... sometimes that happens. I took my husband aside at a church-based social function last evening and said, "She really doesn't like me." in a half-amused voice. I'm not taking it personal, I'm not offended, but I just can't figure out why. He told me later that it may just take more time, more social functions, and she'll loosen up and realize I'm cool. And I guess that's about all there is to it.
If I get sick of it, I'm not above asking her, "You act like you don't like me. That's the vibe I get. Have I done something to offend you? Why don't you like me?" but someone can get really freaked out by that kind of directness, so I try not to bottom line it for people when I can avoid it.
In the meanwhile, it's like my husband says, just let it go and let her opinion change with more interaction. I may just be one of those people that just rubs her the wrong way without there needing to be an explicit reason. Who knows.