proxybear wrote:
You're 22 years old, an adult basically.
You have the right to decide things yourself. If you don't want her with you then say so with a serious voice. If she says "no, you cannot go by yourself", then tell her that you are an adult and make your own decisions.
She is probably just trying to protect you, but going about it the wrong way. Prove to her that you can go by yourself by going by yourself.
That doesn't do any good either. She knows how my disabilities are that sometimes she over worries about the chances of me melting down or having trouble with communication and verbal expression.
I may be an adult but there are still reasons why I have to be treated like a child. I'm not very expressive verbally so it makes it harder for me to really get her to understand more and handing her a sheet of paper explaining it then she just gets upset by it.
I can't always use the 'I'm an adult' rule on her because she knows that even though I am physically an adult... she knows that the way my mind works I have the mind of an under age person. It varies a lot depending on the situations I am in and whatever.
I don't mean like spending my whole time alone but maybe just going around the vendor hall myself, asking questions, stuff like that and well... socializing... and maybe she could wait by the door off to the side when I do. As long as I know my surroundings and what I am doing, I'm not just going to drop into a fetal position and start screaming bloody murder. She thinks that's the kind of thing that will happen.
Diagnosed with an autistic disorder (Not AS but mild to moderate classic Autism), ADHD, Learning Disability, intellectual disability and severe anxiety (part of the autism); iPad user; written expressionist; emotionally-sensitive