Awesomelyglorious wrote:
I would say it is a disability because it does not seem to be beneficial on the average.
Well most people diagnosed with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder also have Retardation (if I remember correctly, I did alot of research a few years ago). So that might have something to do with the fact that it's not beneficial on average (Disclaimer: I'm sorry if I insulted anybody, I have nothing against people with Retardation).
And anyway the word "disabled" pisses me off, I have different abilities than a NT and thus am "Differently Abled". NTs might be more social, but I pick up abstract engineering concepts faster than anyone else I've ever met (not counting my friend Dan who is a fellow Aspie). The reason Aspies have trouble in society is because we're outnumbered by NTs. If most of the worlds population was Aspie, NT's would have as hard of a time dealing with the world as we do now.
Now there's a concept, a world where Aspies are the majority...
the best timber grows in a strong wind, the best people - in adversity