bradt4evr wrote:
SammichEater wrote:
You mean you actually do have friends at school? Well, at least you have people you can talk to for 9 months in a year.
You know i thought they were friends, but sometimes i wonder if they werent being nice to me just to get me to say stuff about me so they can make a joke out of it behind my back, because it seems like outside of school they could care less about me. but i guess thats just the life of an AS right? sorry i hate being a complainer and being all pity me over this, it really isnt like me.
Socialising is a two-way alley.
Ever think some people at home are thinking the exact same thing? If you're only just getting to know them, it's likely the NT's will not be inviting you out all over the place.
So how about ringing one or two of em and asking to do something? Try a couple of time's. If they reject you a few time's well, you'll know then where the friendship stands. But letting them know you're interested will encourage them to also make contact with you
