ocdgirl123 wrote:
Yes, I do. When I was in grade 5, I attended a social skills class, there was only one other kid in the class, he was two years younger than I was is. His special interest was movies. I barely knew anything about the movies he was interested in. He was lower functioning than I was and most of his problems were social. My problems are more severe in other aspects of Asperger's. This boy declared that he would sit in his room and look through the phone book and call random people. He would say that they were their friend, even though he only talked to him once. (In fact, he said that he was really close and he was almost like family) The thought that he was always right. I couldn't relate to him at all. The social skill teacher wanted us to play together and didn't want to because he was extremely difficult.
In more of a fun social group, there was another aspie who was nice enough, but I couldn't relate to him very well. His special interest was world history and current events which is something I know really little about. He was quite a bit older than me, he was 14 and I was 10 or something like that. Most of the kids there were moderate-low functioning though.
There have been aspies that I have been able to relate to well though; another member of the fun social group and another girl that I met only once. Not to be sexist, but I find that female aspies are easier for me to relate to than male aspies, but that's just a generalization. I typically relate to girls better than boys anyway, though there are men I like a lot.
I must say I agree with your statement. I wanted social interaction with people, but the majority of my peers at the social skills group I described a few years ago were too lost in their infatuations to understand other people. The funny thing was they were boys also. I remember one time he tried to strike up a conversation about Grand Theft Auto, and I said to him "I am not a fan of video games", then he went and threw a fit at me! All because I didn't like the same things he did! The staff members got into my face about social skills, when all they did was tell him "that was inappropriate! don't do that again!"
Living my life one day at a time.