I have a tip for you, I did this and I found friends almost straight away, whom with I socialize and spend time with regularly now. Want to know the secret?
Especially popular types. They're all snobby, arrogant dickheads who don't have souls.
Look for nerds, and hippies, and quirky types. Hanging around those types of people has really made my life alot better. They're often friendly, and have more soul and personality than most people, so there's alot less chance of being backstabbed or laughed at.
Also, they'll be ALOT more intelligent and talk about more interesting things too, and may even tolerate you talking about your special interest. However, NT people will just want to make pointless small talk about the weather, sports, celebrities, crappy cheap pop music, and other pointless uninteresting stuff. They're boring as hell and I can't stand them. Look for interesting, nice, friendly people rather than boring, grey clones who are so far up their own asses they get offended when somebody breaks their precious social rules. I spit on them and their attitude.
**I use "normal" as a term to refer to the majority of people, or mainstream/popular culture. I realise that NT people aren't all boring asshats, so if I sound bitter I apologise