Lene wrote:
To7m wrote:
I have no idea how I ended up being friends with my friends...
This is exactly it. You don't 'win' friendships; you fall into them when you hang around people you click with. There isn't that much effort and then you wake up one day and suddenly realise you've been friends for the last month...
Rarely happens with me. There was this one random person in high school, where we both loved math, and he somehow started befriending me. We go to the same university now, but I'm not sure if he's only using me to work on school assignments. Aside from that, we don't really hang out. I understand where you are getting at, but I just feel that it seems like there's nothing about me that anyone would suddenly consider me one of their best friends. For example, who would call me up to go hang out on a weekend and include me in their group of friends? Who would suddenly ask me out to lunch with them? It seems as though all the "friends" i know have other TRUE FRIENDS they would rather hang out with and never invite me.