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05 Aug 2011, 1:28 am

I was studying the other day, and some guy came and sat at my table. He said he needed to use the outlet for his computer that was near my table, but then he started asking me questions, like about what I'm studying and why. And sometime through the conversation, he mentioned he's studying abnormal psychology. He was really friendly, and it amazed me how natural he was with talking.

then he stayed there working on his computer for at least an hour, while I plowed through my math work, and it seemed like he wasn't really working on anything, because he would get up a lot and would chuckle at things he read on his computer, and I felt sometimes like he was watching me for about a few straight seconds, or glancing up at me a lot. I quickly began to wonder whether he had some other reason for sitting at my table, for example, maybe to observe me, if I look like I might be pscyhologically abnormal. And some other grad student came by and asked him why he was sitting out at this table, which is another indication to me that he didn't really need to use the outlet there. And when he left, he didn't say farewell or any sort of parting greeting, which I think would be proper after people had a short conversation spontaneously.

Was this just a friendly guy, or do you think he may have been analyzing me if I look abnormal (which, I think I probably do)?


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05 Aug 2011, 1:31 am

I think he liked you and thought you were attractive and wanted to get to know you better.


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05 Aug 2011, 3:56 am

I agree with Chronos. Did you notice him before (or after)?

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05 Aug 2011, 7:29 am

I didn't recognize him from anywhere, and may not recognize him if I passed him again, unless he indicated to me somehow by a nod or something that we had met before.


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05 Aug 2011, 8:27 am

I think analyzing is a bit too harsh of a word, when i did psych it was because weird people and aspies are just more interesting.
Also because we need more people on the spectrum in psychiatrics, i think the best people to help you are the ones who have first hand experience.

How would you feel getting treatment for your heroine addiction from someone who never even drank alcohol, i know that a heroine addict who beat his addiction and then went to support others still struggling with an addiction is far better.

So he might have just thought you where interesting or like others said cute ?.


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05 Aug 2011, 5:32 pm

It appears as though you have met someone who is socially awkward.