Pride in myself outweighed by jealousy of others
First, I apologize if this is posted in the wrong forum, I'm new and this is my first post!
Let me say that I'm proud of what I have accomplished in both overcoming the many social obstacles most NTs can hardly imagine as well as life's standard achievements. Once I began to reap the rewards of social interaction, after countless painful and humiliating experiences serving as learning experiences, I became addicted. I interact with many people on a daily basis and I would strive to say that most would never suspect I'm an aspie, just an outgoing and colorful guy.
However, I still have my limitations. I feel that despite being strong out of the gate, I can never finish the race the same way an NT can in bringing relationships to full maturity. I make a great first impression, but as the months (and sometimes even weeks) peoples' interest in spending time with me or developing a relationship will plummet from extremely interested to just a matter of convenience.
My current roomate would be a good example. We're part of a year-long study abroad program where nobody knew each other prior to arriving a just a week ago. The first day it was just my roomate and I exploring the town on our own, but in the process I struck up conversation with the locals and scored a few phone numbers. My roomate has become closer to the people I introduced him to. He just got back with a date one of them set him up with! I'm happy for him, but sometimes I feel a bit cheated, as I have not been able to reach people at the same level he has despite the the fact the relationships only exist because of my actions.
Don't get me wrong, I don't feel as though I'm 'owed' anything by anyone and I realize that not all people are compatible, but it feels as though this happens quite often with this example being the most recent. How do you guys cope with this? Any tips on keeping relationships escalating rather than declining?
i do feel this, sometimes.
many of my 'friends' seem to get everything so easily while i have to work my ass off to even get a chance to start on that road.
i am definately aware that i have conquered more hurdles in my life then my friends think to exist, but i do need reinforcement on occasion, someone to remind me of that fact.