Missed out because of social issues?
Just Curious,
Does anyone else feel like there's a lot they're missing out on in life due to the inability to make friends readily and respond adequately with new people? I dont need a ton of friends but I have absolutely no close friends where I live. This means I either invite my boyfriend or do whatever it is I want to do alone. Some aspies dont mind, and sometimes its fine, but there are many activities where I wish I had someone to confide in and reciprocate with. Museums, movies, etc are all places and activities I want to discuss what happened or what's going on an due to my lack therof appropriate social skills cant muster. I've lived in a city for over 2 years and I still have no close friends and I feel I'm going to go a long time, if not the rest of my life, without forming new close friendships. Anyone I consider close (outside my boyfriend), were all friends I made long ago in high school and live thousands of miles away. I have tried putting myself out there and tried various strategies but nothing seems to work and I feel like this is something that is very difficult to overcome with aspergers. I would compare Aspergers sometimes to missing a sense, like everyone else can speak/hear on some frequency I cant tap into. Can anyone relate?

Joined: 16 Jun 2010
Age: 42
Gender: Non-binary
Posts: 33,128
Location: Beirut, Lebanon.
Does anyone else feel like there's a lot they're missing out on in life due to the inability to make friends readily and respond adequately with new people? I dont need a ton of friends but I have absolutely no close friends where I live. This means I either invite my boyfriend or do whatever it is I want to do alone. Some aspies dont mind, and sometimes its fine, but there are many activities where I wish I had someone to confide in and reciprocate with. Museums, movies, etc are all places and activities I want to discuss what happened or what's going on an due to my lack therof appropriate social skills cant muster. I've lived in a city for over 2 years and I still have no close friends and I feel I'm going to go a long time, if not the rest of my life, without forming new close friendships. Anyone I consider close (outside my boyfriend), were all friends I made long ago in high school and live thousands of miles away. I have tried putting myself out there and tried various strategies but nothing seems to work and I feel like this is something that is very difficult to overcome with aspergers. I would compare Aspergers sometimes to missing a sense, like everyone else can speak/hear on some frequency I cant tap into. Can anyone relate?
Hell yea, I've already feel that I missed out most of my 20s years and I am nearly 30 and nothing significant has changed.
But at least you have a boyfriend, who's also supposedly the closest friend.
I am generally very good at entertaining myself. I do not mind doing musea or movies by myself, though I do like it if there is someone with my so that we can analyse it together. I mostly feel like I'm missing out when I want to play a game that really does not work on your own (for example, you can play Monopoly or even chess or Mastermind with yourself, but you can't play poker with yourself).
"Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant. " -Socrates
AQ: 40/50
EQ: 17/50
SQ: 72/80 (Extreme Synthesiser)
Aspie test: about 150/200 Aspie, about 40/200 NT
I'm sure that I have missed alot of things but I don't know what.
I have two daughters, one NT and one AS. My NT daughter lives for her friends and has very few other interests. My AS daughter has friends but she also has her own interests that give her a vibrance that my NT daughter just doesn't get. It is my NT daughter that is missing out.
i have developed inappropriate behaviour issues due to lack of social interactions.
My parents and my relatives are eccentric mostly schizo's
If i had more friends i could have learned social behaviour long back
and would not have faced so many issues.
also im alone most of the time so nobody to guide me....
its a vicious circle and NT's dont want to befriend we Aspies
Used to when I was in my childhood and early teens.
Got so used to being alone it was no big deal.
In college got into mind altering controlled substances and breezes through.
After that got on regular meds and herbals and the first year... felt like life was passing me by.
Then immersed myself in myself and figured that is my life now.
Suicide is not a cowardly act, it is a courageous one. It takes a huge force of will to overcome the hardwired instinct to survive at all costs.
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