orchidee wrote:
aspie56 wrote:
took the aspie test with 150 mixed questions and i got "very likely ur an NT" no joke, and actually i was never propely diagnosed with Aspergers, not properly...
I'm confused: what does "not properly" mean? In your profile, it says you were diagnosed with Asperger's.
they just suspected i was aspie cause i would not socialize sometimes, but I can controll tone of my voice and read facial expressions. I just realized that the docter did not the diagnostic right, he just did it by making me talk. Sometimes i would not talk right because he asked me questions about my favorite shows, i then realized that it was a sterotype of an aspie to ramble on about their "special intrests" ( dont have one btw) so i just shut! it does not even say Aspergers in my documents, but i know im not the best in socializing with kids my age, if i was 2 grades below i could do right. I do right, but sometimes i just shut... i do right facial expressions and read with ppl think, my family commented this to me. they say i have aspergers cause im not the best Socializer, but thats it for me.