i've personally realized the dangers of getting to involved in other people's problems.
and in many situations, i feel, its important to keep a distance:
1. if its a person you don't know in real life or isn't present in your life much or aren't close to.
2. it is a difficult situation that can put you in harm's way or require you to sacrifice a lot.
especially if its a client, or someone you are only to relating to for a specific purpose.
in my opinion, i feel that a person is ultimately the person who has most power over themselves and they are the ones who have to make the decisions. there is a very limited amount of impact a friend could have in many circumstances.
if the person is close to me, and the situation could be dangerous, i approach it in a balanced manner. i would offer a limited amount of help, of course only when they ask it, but i would be sucked into it because i have my own problems to worry about.
your thoughts and experiences on the subject?