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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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16 Aug 2011, 8:12 pm

I would like to know what do you think of Facebook as a whole? I am 17 and I go there a lot and whenever I look at other peoples information I think that they have a better life than me for some reason. I have about 73 friends and none of them ever talk to me or chat with me. Every post I make on FB none ever responds to only family members and that is about it. But I tried chatting with other people and none talks to me. I get ignored and only people like my comments and never respond to them. None ever talks back to me or says hello and most of the time I feel like my other online friends are more true friends than my real life ones that's sad. I only go there now to play the games but they are all the same and I hate how you have to have millions of friends in order to play them. I look at other peoples facebook profiles and see that they have like 300 friends that they problably mostly never talk to. When I see people have a lot of friends most people always comment and respond to eachother and none except my family responds to me. I would like to know since this is making me feel bad should I just delete my facebook page?


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16 Aug 2011, 8:23 pm

I am the AS forum anomaly who likes facebook. I use it as a substitute for regular social interraction...which is very situation is different tho..i have a small "internet following"... and made a lot of my "friends" thru that (via You Tube vids).....I also have several spectrumy friends on facebook...and am on FB AS forums once in a while....


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16 Aug 2011, 8:34 pm

I made a Facebook, but I hardly ever use it. I don't like it.

Also: ... a-d_b60403


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16 Aug 2011, 8:35 pm

IMHO facebook is a waste of time. I only go on if there's something I need to attend to, like a friend request be beyond the once a month or so that happens, I never go on. It's funny actually. I get emails from facebook every few weeks saying that they're sorry my login isn't working and directing me to the page to troubleshoot it. Because naturally the only reason I wouldn't be on several times a day is because I couldn't.

Snowy Owl
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16 Aug 2011, 8:40 pm

Facebook is like a building full of people, and if you ever talk to someone (add them), it's like giving them a microphone, and you then have to listen to them complain about their generally good lives, and you can't turn the microphone off until you un-friend them. I don't talk to facebook friends that I'm not actually friends with, and they don't talk to me. As for facebook games, they're addictive because of reward systems, but they still get boring after a while. Facebook is horribly superficial, people seem to have conversations knowing that everyone else can see them, which I think is pointless. I wouldn't bother trying to get online friends anyway, as most of them are either incredibly boring, or they like complaining to me about how their lives are terrible, with a few exceptions. If you want conversations, then facebook won't help, at least not any more than something like instant messaging programs. I'd recommend cutting facebook off (telling it to email you if you get a notification, so you can stay away from it unless told to visit by your email (this helps suppress the urge to go to facebook to check for notifications)), find friends in real life (which is a whole different subject, and there are loads of posts about it on these forums), and adding them on an instant messenger in case you want to talk to them online.


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16 Aug 2011, 8:49 pm

facebook envy is a common issue.

but heres something people need to remember:
people, on the whole, do not take facebook seriously.


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16 Aug 2011, 11:02 pm

I don't like Facebook at all, but it is something I have to use in order to stay in contact with friends and do business. Every time a I log on, I check the privacy setting so see what new way Facebook has come up with to degrade my privacy.

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17 Aug 2011, 2:11 am

Things I like:
- I have reconnected with old friends i have not seen in years.
- I am able to see things going on with my children (who are living with their mother)
- It reminds me of the birthdays of my family members and friends

Things I don't like:
- People inviting me to games and such
- Those stupid "Which movie have you seen" quizzes

Things I hate:
- Whenever they change something I am already used to
- Strangers wanting to become my "friends" and then acting unfriendly.

Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.


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17 Aug 2011, 5:36 am

I avoid FB for many reasons. Firstly I really don't want to put my real name out there for anyone to see. Granted there may be a handful of others with my name, so I'm hardly alone, but it just feels weird not to be protected by some level of anonymity. The only people I really know who will look me up are relatives from both sides, and to be honest I really don't want anything to do with them. Plus I feel it's a useless venture of me trying to be like everyone else (by having this worthwhile interaction on the web) and then epically failing, coz I'll have zero friends and zero activity and thus feel sad about how much of an outcast I am. I feel that way already in real life, so I don't really need another medium to provide me with the same fact.


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17 Aug 2011, 6:47 am

User1001, with that many friends, I do sense that it's bad that no one besides family members will chat or say much. It is likely a non-verbal way of saying that they do not want to interact.

My suggestion is to either delete that account or delete friends and maybe try to start adding some from this website that might actually respond to you if you still decide to use it. If you can, look for social groups and conventions around the area, and clubs that may fit your interests, such as if you're interested in Numismatics, you would look for a coin collecting club near you. is a decent website to search for some organizations, usually on a recreational level as opposed to a competitive/intense interest club, so keep that in mind too.

Tufted Titmouse
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20 Aug 2011, 7:42 pm

chessimprov wrote:
User1001, with that many friends, I do sense that it's bad that no one besides family members will chat or say much. It is likely a non-verbal way of saying that they do not want to interact.

That's not always the case- I have had to start making myself invisible on chat because I will get up and walk away from the computer and forget that I left Facebook open, so people have tried to chat me and thought I was ignoring them. A lot of people just don't respond to chats, either.

Also, sometimes people don't even "like" my statuses but if I run into them in person they will tell me "hey, I saw that this happened to you on Facebook" and will ask me questions about it. It feels weird because I think that nobody is paying attention to what I'm saying when they actually are.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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20 Aug 2011, 8:51 pm

I think that they have a better life than me

Their editing their life for the viewer's benefit, i.e. you and their other friends. Never take anything on Facebook at face value. Three hundred friends or more? They would never recognize them in the street, not exactly 'friendship' is it? I'm pretty biased towards FB - on the one hand you have all these privacy controls and it's excellent in keeping contact with family; on the other hand it's one big narcisstic playground where if you don't play the game then you won't be invited in. It’s up to you - my brother has FB, but he never goes on it, much to the chagrin of my sister. :P

Tufted Titmouse
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20 Aug 2011, 9:58 pm

SakeGirl wrote:
I think that they have a better life than me

Their editing their life for the viewer's benefit, i.e. you and their other friends. Never take anything on Facebook at face value. Three hundred friends or more? They would never recognize them in the street, not exactly 'friendship' is it?

You're exactly right. Some people exaggerate about how "Great" their life is or they take hundreds of pictures every time they go out to prove that they have a life or whatever. Some people get mad if anyone complains or has a bad day, even if they complain themselves. I'm not really fake on Facebook and if I'm having a bad day physically or emotionally, I'll say so. If someone doesn't like it then they should delete me but I am never going to make 100% good posts or 100% bad posts because that's not realistic.

I did have an acquaintance who I rarely spoke to, and I didn't ever recognize him because he was a friend of friends and he would alternate between wearing different kinds of hats, sunglasses or regular glasses ( or not), drastically changing his hair from like having it long, curly and so long it was in his eyes, to having spikes with bleached tips when his hair is normally dark brown, to a buzz cut. Every time I saw him he looked different. All we did was small talk when we ran into each other, but he always got mad at me for not recognizing him. I don't even have this problem with other people but for some reason I could never remember who this guy was. He has a really ordinary facial structure and just a little bit of stubble so when he kept changing his hair and obscuring his eyes there was no way for me to actually like code him into my brain.

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21 Aug 2011, 12:51 am

I don't really have a problem with Facebook. It has its uses, although I definitely prefer instant messaging and email over wall-to-wall conversations where everyone can spy on your daily activities.


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21 Aug 2011, 6:32 am

like betty white, i just don't get it. :scratch:

Snowy Owl
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01 Sep 2011, 10:06 am

Facebook would be better if apps, surveys, and stuff like that were removed. Also, people shouldn't be allowed to have conversations by posting on their friends' walls continuously, conversations should be confined to one post and then comments on that post... although even that seems to be mostly attention-grabbing from other random people on facebook... truly awful system.