bigbadbeast2007 wrote:
For those of you who live in Australia You probably know what I am talking about. The Australian Bogan They drive around in 20 year old holden hotted up v8 cmmodores. they sport 1980's style mullet haircuts. They contribute nothing to society, They "get on the piss" with their mates and play loud music and party all night. They always have there hand out for money and get abusive if you say no. it's not uncommon for them to have missing teeth They abuse all sorts of substances, they yell stuff out to you when your walking as they're driving thier sh***y cars with a dent in the drivers side. They think they are macho tough and "cool" they have a limited vocabulary often with a foul mouth common words used by the bogan are "F... and C..." disgraceful really! They use there own bastardized slang for words such as "Shazza" "bazza" "Ciggies" and a lot more. The town I live is a haven for them especially the local shopping mall. A fight is guaranteed every two minutes. Bogans are all over the world but they called something else in the Uk they are called "chavs" the USA rednecks ect. they show no consideration for anybodelse. Don't get me wrong not all bogans are bad. just the feral types
Some bogans do work, but I do understand where you're coming from. My impression, and from what I've read and heard, was that many bogans and other Australian people who are "working class" have some disdain for academia or those that are focused on education and not on "beers, sports, BBQs, getting drunk", and that they are one of the current major factors in Australia's "Tall Poppy Syndrome" (correct me if I'm wrong).
I don't see anything inherently wrong with the bogans abusing substances, but I'd be critical concerned with them spending Centrelink money (welfare) on alcohol/cigarettes/other non-essential recreational substances, seeing that this is technically Taxpayers' money.
Even worse is when I see and hear about Bogans who have 2+ children if they're long term unemployed, and also of teenage girls/young women who WANT to have babies coz of the "Baby Bonus" ($5000). In my mind I think that is outrageous; how can you afford to have children when you can't even support yourself? You're just relying on more handouts from the government when it wasn't warranted, how selfish of you!