I have done this a good bit.
Feel ashamed to say this,but I have a secret inner resentment and dislike of my 10 years younger brother just from him being himself.
He has always been a pretty outgoing guy,and has a very big circle of friends even though he's only 18.He's also naturally very charming and manipulative,and has been able to lie,bully, and con his way out of many situations.He gives off an enormous 'don't give a s**t' vibe that very much annoys me.Because being a logical Aspie I very well know it's going to get him into really big trouble someday.
And to make it worse other people can't seem to see through his BS and treat him like he's Mr cool (dudes),or Hot (girls)
The last part infuriates me so much because on a couple of occasions I have carefully practiced how to speak to a girl I like,with minimal or no results afterward.Despite my best efforts I still stammer,fidget a bit,and feel that constant pang of anxiety and nerves that rarely seems to go away.Then my brother just happens to stroll in to visit me.And before long all eyes are on him and even the girl I like is giving him goo goo eyes.
I've even managed to have a fun conversation with two girls,and then have him divert their attention away merely by standing there silent and looking sullen with his arms crossed.And I'm not talking about only 18-20 girls either.I had a friend that was 34 yrs old with a teenage daughter I was flirting with that told me he was hot.I've read books,practiced social techniques,nlp/hypnosis,and even forced myself into very social situations in a attempt to gain skill.But even if I do good for a while, within a few hours I just feel completely mentally exhausted and want to be left alone.
I've felt a lot better ever since I found out about Aspergers/Autism.At least now I know other people claims that 'You're not even trying/not trying hard enough' is wrong.
But the inability to emote,make good conversation,and kill the nervousness despite so much wanting to be a Social guy kills me sometimes.