mel113 wrote:
When i want to ask why people of different colored skin that have lived in america for hundreds of years have different cultures (in many cases). Or when someone is physically disabled and i want to know what's wrong. I feel like if i ask these questions, my intentions will become lost because i don't ask the "right" way.
It's kind of about what you are and less about charisma. It's like how black comedians can get away with saying more racist things than any other type of comedians. I am assuming that you are probably white, correct me if I am wrong. But from my experiences other races tend to think that white people are racist in general, so if a white person says anything that seems remotely racist, then people jump all over them. If you don't have the physical disability, people think you are just being a jerk if you ask what happened.
So just don't say or ask anything at all and try to find something else to do to distract you, that way the urge to ask these questions and the curiosity will subside and you'll feel better.
Oh yeah, and don't
RESEARCH these things like Google or yahoo searches because it will just make you think about it more. And if you do research them, it becomes more like a do not touch sign which just compels you to ask these types of questions is real life.