It's driving me nuts. We have the same niche interest, collecting the same thing. He has literally hundreds more items in his collection then me, and probably thousands of accessories. He tends to be a bit full of himself, and arrogant (although he has no idea he comes off like this). he also has HFA. I know this because when I started talking to him back in January, it seemed very clear he was on the spectrum. This past summer I finally asked him about it, and although he was reluctant at first, he told me he has HFA. Sometimes we talk about our spectrumy problems, but mostly our common interest.
My problem is this: He's always "joking" or overtly making comments, or even blatantly asking me to send him presents. I did buy from him once. But he does this very very often. I don't have a ton of money. His mom buys him a lot of stuff for his collection. he buys several items a week. I might be able to buy one thing a month, if anything. This month I was lucky to buy two.
My new item came in and I was super exited to tell him about it. I told him how excited I was, and that the seller had given me a free accessory. His response was to ask me to "trade" with him, because he's always wanted that accessory in the color it is. He can find one similar very cheap on most any stores website.
How do I tell him that I really don't want to trade with him? I might in the future, but this is my new item, and I'm very excited about it.
He also tends to think only inside himself, it seems he can't really put himself in other's shoes. For instance we both entered a contest this week. I was sure I wouldn't win, but was pleasantly surprised I did. Later, I got a message from him saying that he was also a winner! "yay me!" and how awesome it was that he one. He didn't even think about the fact that I was hoping to win or ask if I had. When I told him I did he said "Oh. Well I'm glad you won. I would have felt so bad saying I won something when you didn't."
I'm having a hard time figure this out. I'm enjoying talking to him, although he lives across the country. But I feel like he often thinks only of himself, and shows off to much about his collection.