I guess I'm going to be singled out for this, but honestly guys I LIKE Facebook, and I'm sure it's not for everyone, but I also don't think other Aspies can't benefit from it like NTs seem to.
I personally do not feel the desire to tweet or text every single detail of my life for other people to awe upon. I do how ever enjoy taking photos of my friends and I experiencing meaningful moments. For instance I'm a total nerd and music lover. I like going to concerts and comic conventions. It's not something that I get to do a lot mind you and I don't often get to go to fun events with most of my friends. So when my friends post pictures of stuff like that, that they went to then I sorta get to see what I missed, it's not in a negative context it's just cool that I didn't completely miss that moment. A few cool pictures and a few good stories are nice to hear from friends. I like to post my own stories and photos of things that are special or meaningful. It's like having a documentary of some of the best times in my life. I'm not going to be in my 20s forever and I'll eventually be able to look back on those parts of my life in some detail. I also suffer from severe memory problems the strongest part of my working memory is limited to being visual so when I'm having a depressive episode I can at least look back on some of the photo's of good times in my life to try and snap myself out of it. I do become extremely isolated and pessimistic, but I find that's where face book helps. I also have friends extremely long distances some of which are Aspies.
Now to all those paranoid people. I'm a schizo I do get paranoid about the government watching me/coming after me, but there's a point that you have to realize there are like more than 6,840,507,000 people on this planet. As far as privacy goes I don't even think it exists or that it even matters anymore. The only real problem with Facebook privacy is watching what you post. You can choose the privacy settings, you can pick your friends, and you can chose to post appropriate material/only stuff your comfortable with. If I added my boss to Facebook and he didn't like something about me on my profile than maybe I shouldn't be working for a person like that. Although I've fully disclosed many things with my boss like my Aspergers/schizo affective, religious preferences, recreational activities, and you know what he really doesn't care in fact he even considers me a friend and a hard worker. I noticed that he doesn't have a Face book because his generation didn't grow up with it so he's not very interested. I also noticed that men seem to hate facebook more than women. This isn't a fact it's an observation of people I know. I think I'd be neat if we did a poll.