Well, yes, in a sense, we're all broken. However, the good thing about being autistic is you're usually pretty aware of your weaknesses and shortcomings, sometimes painfully so compared to other people, so you don't just...be an idiot. Me, yeah, I've had it happen slightly, however, I guess I sorta wised up when I was young, and yeah... Part of what scares me so much about getting into a romantic relationship is that I'll have a "broken" person on my hands. A lot of people get into relationships looking for someone to "complete" them or fix their self esteem problems or whatever, and for me, that signals run away.
However, I think part of what makes me not attractive to broken people as much anymore is my lack of empathy. Not so much like, sympathy, but empathy, I can't really deal with people telling me about their problems and me just going "it's all right..." or something, instead I tell people practical solutions to their problems the instant they're presented to me. So some people if they don't want a practical solution, they'll stop talking to me.
But yeah, basically, I try to learn from my own and others mistakes. I wonder what'll happen, though. Maybe I'll still be an idiot and take on someone that'll take advantage of me like crazy. I hope not, though.
But yeah, it's HILARIOUS, though. My sister had/has extreme social anxiety and wouldn't even order at restaurants and check things out at cash registers until she was like 16. However, she's the one that gives me the most crap about me being weird. Pot calling the kettle black, pretty much. I mean, people think if you got ASD, you're just FUBARed of a person, but really, at least in my case, I'm doing very well and have a good life compared to lots of other people. The good thing about Aspergers is, you can learn things very well, so if things are pointed out, you can compensate in other ways or whatever. I think it's much better to have an Aspergers or in my case, NVLD thought process, than an "NT" one that seems to think solely with their emotions.