I had an awkward conversation yesterday. I was catching up with someone I haven't seen for a long time and he was asking general catvh up conversation questions. Have you been on holiday, what have you been up to, where do you hang out with your friends?
It's not until I have conversations like this that I realise how alone I am in the world. I don't have anyone to go on holiday with, nor any money to pay for a holiday. I haven't done much of anything lately, I can't affordmuch after the essential bills are paid. I don't really have any friends that I spend time with like he would.
I felt like I must be coming across as very strange.
Anyone else feel like this? I have enough trouble talking to people anyway, but I don't even have regular relatable things to talk about either as this conversation proves. Not that he would judge me, he just thinks i'm shy. But I feel, um, I dunno... Not good.