lowfreq50 wrote:
It can be rather ambiguous if you are unfamiliar with the person's habits.
If I end a sentence with "..." it means "adding more to this sentence in a second."
If I do that w/o a sentence first or if I do that with the word ok ( "ok..." ) that indicates that I want the person to elaborate on their last statement.
Yeah I agree with the first part, usually I interpret "..." to mean that the writer is thinking more about the sentence, or something is intended to continue.
However, whenever I see somebody go "..." alone, I interpret that to mean that the person did not like what you just said. Kind of like "wow, I have absolutely no words to respond to what you just said." "Flabbergasted" and "incredulous" come to mind.
"Ok..." to me totally depends on the mood of the writer. It could be a sorrowful acceptance of something, or more like "um, whatever." Unfortunately, for all of these things, you pretty much can't really be 100% sure of what they mean unless you ask them to explain it; not being able to hear the tone of voice and facial/body expressions can make online chatting a bit difficult.