Well, I have almost zero interests in common with Aspies I've met, I probably have more interests in common with other NTs... on the other hand, I think that on the internet I might be closer in interests to other Aspies, so... I'm not sure what that says.
Social interactions - more or less the same as other Aspies. Less than NTs
cues - I'm more spaced out at times other Aspies aren't, so I probably miss some cues they don't. But I sometimes see/understand cues they don't. I actually consider myself being able to read people better than some NTs. So I'm more like an Aspie but a little more sensitive.
quirks - similar to other AS, more quirky than NTs.
So from what I know, Aspies are more similar to each other according to CosTransform's criterias.
Double X and proud of it / male pronouns : he, him, his