Frustrated with a misunderstanding
a few weeks ago I stayed at my (a) grandparents house for a week. My mom emailed my other (b) grandparents, who I am staying with, saying 2 points of how I was rude to my (a)grandpa. (The email was printed out and I was having to do something with my grandma who was on the phone so I read it while I was waiting on something to do, I was not snooping)
My (a) grandpa had mentioned to my mom when she went up to us that I had a hard time finishing my pasta when we ate out at the pasta house. And they had bought extra food, pasta, because I was going to be staying with them. That I did not actually eat that much. It really bothered me when he said that to her. On the nightly news the night before they had talked about boys and anorexia so I was already concerned that some authority figures in my life would think I am anorexic (I am not, just kinda skinny). So I said kind of harshly that I do not like pasta and that is why I didn't eat it, I am actually okay with eating it but don't care for it. With the coupon he was using we had to pick off the lunch menu which all had pasta. I am a slow eater which is why I didn't finish it, when the other people had finished eating I stopped. So my mom had said I was rude for saying that when she did not ask why I had said that or anything along those lines.
Another thing that was in the email said that I told my (a) grandpa that he just sits and watches the news all day. He asked what do I get out of playing the game words with friends, I had mentioned I had 15 games going or something. So I turned the question back to him, what do you get out of playing the news? Not trying to attack him, but saying that you could consider everything outside of work, sleeping, and eating a waste of time. I don't remember the exact conversation but I don't remember getting angry over it.