Okay so my high school has like 6500 kids, and I don't get how they all know each other.
How are they so friendly and comfortable? I do that sometimes, but they don't like it, so I know they probably all know each other from places.
I was thinking about this as I began to get infatuated with this one girl.
You know the whole growing up cry me a river shi'ite.
So yeah, what exactly do people DO together after school or even AT school?
I realize people are more adult-like in high school, as I feel about 12 or 13 (I'm a sophomore).
I need to spend my time more usefully.
What kind of places should I volunteer or work at? Should I take driver's ed?
P.S. I'm 16 in August, and I have 0 friends aside from my cousin and family friend who goes to my school.