WhoKnowsWhy wrote:
Does this annoy anyone else? I'm always embarrassed to answer the question....I was unemployed for a long time, now I'm just underemployed. Either way, it seems people look down at me. You'd think in the current economy, they would be more compassionate, but nope they shun me.
You may ask why I'm bringing this up in the social skills forum instead of work. The answer is that I keep going to NT social events hoping to meet people, but the first question people ask me is always job/career-related. People are defined by what they "do" in this society.
Should I just stick to Aspie support groups since my peers on the spectrum likely won't be as judgmental?
I'm NT and hate the "what do you do" question too. I have too many good qualities and interests to be defined by my job. I'd imagine 99% of people don't have an interesting job, but they might having intersting interests. I think the question is just one of those go to conversation starters that some people use. I don't use it and never would. I've known acquaintances at my running club for years and I have no idea what they do for a living, but I know a lot about them personally.
I'm sorry that you've been shunned in the past, but don't let these instances exclude yourself from going to NT social events. Your state of employment or job is not something that somebody should be judgemental about. If someone was snooty like that with me, I wouldn't be inclined to talk to them anyway.