I have a Cockney Accent, and the Customer Service Reps in most of the stores that I've been in, had refered to me as, "That Little Cockney, over there." I was on a Ferry once, and I was purchasing myself a cup of my daily Afternoon Tea, at two in the afternoon. The cashier behind the counter told me, "I can tell you're from London." I didn't know what to say. There was one Member at my Clubhouse who told me that I have a wonderful Cockney Accent. Once, when I was buying some Mini Doughnuts at the Mall, there was a rude little girl, who was making comments about the people that she'd noticed. As soon as I've opened my mouth to speak, that girl kept on chanting, "Ellow little Londonah...Ellow little Londonah." I was also ordering an Afternoon Tea at Coffee Shop. The scantley dressed women behind the counter were making comments on my Accent. After a few seconds, one of the girls asked, "Which part of England is that woman from?" The other girl replied, "She's from London, because of that Double Decker Bus on her pouch!" and she said it so loud, that everybody in the place could hear her. I've come to the conclusion that if 9 out of 10 Non-Family Members say that I sound like I'm from London, than I sound like I'm from London. I feel very honoured that I sound a lot like a Londoner, for a Canadian.
Last edited by CockneyRebel on 08 Sep 2006, 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.