My trolling (online and offline) is getting out of hand

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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28 Mar 2012, 11:02 pm

I like to troll, but at the moment it seems to be getting out of hand. It's gotten to the point where I get deleted and blocked on social networking sites and threatened at times. I troll because I am bored I am hungry for negative attention, but I keep on getting told that it needs to stop, but I reply that negative attention lasts longer than positive attention.

Examples of my past trolling:
- writing "FU" on a class page and directing it toward another person
- telling someone that her "I love you" and "I miss you" usage is excessive
- calling people names
- talking behind backs

Can someone tell me what I can do to stop? How can I be released from the wrath of my boredom without the computer?

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28 Mar 2012, 11:11 pm

dont make fake accounts.

be your self.

Stop trying to be smarter than other people.

those are the trolls i deal with, so if your not one of those then it's good


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28 Mar 2012, 11:15 pm

Well is trolling the only thing on the computer that entertains you? I mean I can't say I've never trolled in my life as that would be a lie. But there is youtube, participating in discussions without trolling, looking up facts on intresting subjects..ect.

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29 Mar 2012, 1:26 am

You need to find things to do to occupy and distract yourself.

- Exercise. It generates mood boosting endorphins.
- Read funny stories, and watch funny shows. Humor also generates mood boosting endorphins.
- Volunteer. There are people out there who are worse off than we are, that could use your help. Doing so will boost your self image.
- Take courses, either in person or online. Some online courses are free. It will boost your image and provide useful occupation.
- Take up a hobby. It will give you something to do. How about gardening? You can eat the results, save money, and eat healthy.
- Join a club.
- Participate in various community activities--Theater, local fairs and art shows, sporting events, etc.

There are plenty of ways to occupy yourself, but you have just been lazy about it, which has lead to your feelings of boredom. Take some time away from the PC to get out there and do something.

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29 Mar 2012, 1:46 am

I once read an article about a study, that indicated that trolling creates similar "high" as illegal drug usage.

It is a good thing that you yourself recognise that you have a problem. If you can't solve it on your own and with your friends, then it might a good idea to seek therapy.

Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.


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29 Mar 2012, 4:44 am

Get up from chair
Walk to front door
Go outside

Snowy Owl
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29 Mar 2012, 4:50 am

"Here are a few things you can do to occupy and stimulate yourself:

- There are more direct ways to boost your endorphins then exercising.
- Try to be funny when trolling, it will make you feel smarter and more interesting, boosting your self-esteem.
- Self-teach. There are a lot of resources on the internet, like the late hive, opiophile and erowid's rhodium archive where you can find a lot of useful information about science.
- Think of others! There are a lot of people with needs that you can help by virtue of the expertise acquired following the point above.
- Join a gang!
- Participate in various community activities--Theater, local fairs and art shows, sporting events, etc. - don't forget church clubs![b]"

OddFinn wrote:
I once read an article about a study, that indicated that trolling creates similar "high" as illegal drug usage.


Nope, sorry, not feeling it.

I've also done a bit of trolling to vent out. The idea was that if I would limit the more shameful part of my self to the internet it will never show in real life. I've noticed it had the opposite effect, with me being less polite then I was before.


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29 Mar 2012, 12:06 pm

questor pretty much said everything I thought up.

My music at:

Currently working on getting in a studio to record my solo album 40+ tracks written.

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29 Mar 2012, 1:42 pm

I've done some pretty nasty trolling by sending random people playing games to awful shock sites through TinyURL. Not really proud of that, but not really feeling sorry for it.
In real life, I'm apparently a very horrible person. They say I'm bitter, but the people saying that would either kill themselves or get locked up in an asylum under these conditions.
I'm bitter, but stable. Simply put: 'tis not fun being me, so I'll make it less fun to be someone else.

I might try some of the things said here. The volunteering idea might give me some peace of mind, but all charities here seem to be run by fundamentalists.
I'll wait until I'm in university full-time. Perhaps I can help the psychology department as a test subject. They'll have no problem finding most problems in the book here. :lol:

Emu Egg
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31 Mar 2012, 1:37 pm

AldousH wrote:
"Here are a few things you can do to occupy and stimulate yourself:

- There are more direct ways to boost your endorphins then exercising.
- Try to be funny when trolling, it will make you feel smarter and more interesting, boosting your self-esteem.
- Self-teach. There are a lot of resources on the internet, like the late hive, opiophile and erowid's rhodium archive where you can find a lot of useful information about science.
- Think of others! There are a lot of people with needs that you can help by virtue of the expertise acquired following the point above.
- Join a gang!
- Participate in various community activities--Theater, local fairs and art shows, sporting events, etc. - don't forget church clubs![b]"

1/10 for making me reply+unfunny imo

Tufted Titmouse
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03 Apr 2012, 3:22 am

Unless something bad happens to you I dont see any reason to not troll the masses. People are too annoying to be left in peace, especially when you have to interact with them.

Sea Gull
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10 Apr 2012, 12:50 am

Bad idea. really really Bad idea. dont troll.

First of all you piss others off. Second of all, you are living a fake internet life as oppossed to a real one. Anything woudl be better than trolling on the internet, even playing with your own feces, would be far mroe productive. ( Dont actually play with your feces though!)

Just get a constructive hobby, meet other people. You should have a funner time of it if you live a "real life" so to speak, as oppossed to being on the internet


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26 May 2012, 9:06 am

Troll lightly? filling a friends hard drive up by a recursive algorithm is always a good one :D


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26 May 2012, 11:19 am

Self rehabilitating troll here. Let's be clear on one thing. The media representation of a troll and the actual thing a troll is are two different entities.
To the media, trolling means thuggish abuse, harassment (sexually and psychologically), inundating people with verbal. This is actually in many countries illegal harassment and is nothing to do with trolling.
Actual trolling is usually done for various reasons - to make opposing arguments seem stupid, irrational, illogical. Also done to get what is an "acceptable" reaction from another person (shock value). And also done in the style of a real life practical joke or for internet political gain and infamy.
Removing yourself from the troll lifestyle:
*Get into websites and interests on websites that have no discussion groups as such or communities to antagonise.
*Use your actual profile and information. See if this makes you think twice about your actions. It probably will.
*Save your wit and humour for when YOU are being trolled, and troll back instead of trolling people for no reason. You will get to feed your habit and use this negative aspect of you responsibly.
*Try and find ways to express your sense of humour without hurting others. Perhaps make people up in a scenario to humiliate or take up satirical comics etc. This works for many and some are even popular to the point of merchandising and other benefits (Penny Arcade).
*Use the computer less.


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26 May 2012, 1:21 pm

loneliness can lead to all this negative activities
i picked up a part time job to keep myself away from negativity
maybe you can do something else instead of using internet to vent

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26 May 2012, 2:16 pm

sunquan8094 wrote:
I like to troll, but at the moment it seems to be getting out of hand. It's gotten to the point where I get deleted and blocked on social networking sites and threatened at times.Good, you deserve it. You openly harass people for no reason and sound annoying. Who can blame them? What do you expect for being an as*hole? I troll because I am bored I am hungry for negative attention, but I keep on getting told that it needs to stop, but I reply that negative attention lasts longer than positive attention.

Examples of my past trolling:
- writing "FU" on a class page and directing it toward another person
- telling someone that her "I love you" and "I miss you" usage is excessive
how is this any of your business anyway? Unless she's posting it on your wall. Surprised she didn't just remove you from her list and be done
- calling people names
- talking behind backs

Can someone tell me what I can do to stop? How can I be released from the wrath of my boredom without the computer?

How old are you OP?

You sound like someone I use to talk to on the internet who I had friended on facebook but eventually I got so tired of his s**t I removed and blocked him. He didn't even troll me that much but watching the comments he posted on girls' facebook walls that he thought was brilliant was just pathetic. Find some kind of creative outlet, like writing, art, music or go out and jog. Or just keep trolling and eventually piss off the wrong person, if that ever happens.