Of course there's always the underlying curiosity of what my online friends look like but I won't judge them if they don't show their picture. Personally, my online friends are those who I've connected with on a much deeper level than I do with a regular friendship. With regular friendship, I'm not as warm but way more polite than when I communicate with people online. The thing I love about the internet is that I can communicate with others on the web without a fear of my personal inhibitions, as opposed to when I'm with people face-to-face (My face is one of those things that can deter people from even wanting any communication with me unfortunately.)
I mean, I have like no sense of hope in the world when it comes to communicating with people face-to-face, the internet is, sadly, the one place I can vent out and actually witness good things.
So do I care if I see someone's face if they're my friends exclusively online? No.
Diagnosed with PDD-NOS (and possible Asperger's) on October 30, 2012. Might not be ideal having so many labels (gay and Filipino as well) but I'm at least glad I can accept and embrace it.