zacb wrote:
Why shouldn't I just conform to survival of the fittest and go from there? With few exceptions, probably at least 60-75 % of the people my age I run into are sh*theads. So why should I care about them?
I often ask myself the same question. And I've come up with a few reasons.
1) I like sex. Sex with other people. (It's only a matter of time before I get kicked off this board since we can't really talk about anything substantial without violating the rules.) Finding sex partners requires some form of getting to know a least a few people. And it's kind of fun to care about people to whom I'm attracted.
2) politics. While I tend to be all about fairness, most of the world isn't necessarily. And even if they are, the definition of "fairness" is constantly under social negotiation. Different people think what constitutes "fair" is different. And the only way to get our own needs represented in those discussions is to speak up and to develop allies. Developing allies, even developing an audience who will listen when we speak requires some degree of being social and getting along with folks.
3) work. finding work and progressing tends to require some element of social skills. Even being self employed requires a certain amount of social interaction which generally requires at least going through the motions of caring.
FTR, it's not really age related. 90% of everyone are sh*theads.